ASG's Ohio program aims to assist licensed 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations in taking advantage of laws that permit local businesses within your county to sell pull tabs (instant bingo tickets) on behalf of your organization. In return, the businesses are eligible to receive a reimbursement of up to 6% of the gross revenue/sales from the tickets. The Ohio program serves as a platform to bring charities and businesses together, aligning with ASG's philosophy of facilitating revenue generation for both parties
Any 501(c)(3) organization that has been operational for over 2 years and obtains a bingo license can benefit from the ASG Ohio program. Additionally, any business in Ohio has the opportunity to benefit from the ASG program. Notably, convenience stores, gas stations, bars, restaurants, bowling alleys and any establishment that sells Ohio lottery tickets have been particularly successful within the program.
When you collaborate with our All-Star Gaming team, our dedicated members will assist you in obtaining a license, finding and teaming up with local businesses, providing the sellers training on generating revenue for their business and your organization.
Why sell pull tabs?
• Generate additional fundraising dollars without additional volunteers.
• Fundraising requires less time allowing you to focus on your charitable purpose.
• Increase the exposure of the organization as your license/name is posted at the business selling tickets that benefit it.
• The program takes care of the money collection, accounting, payments and delivery of the product so you do not need to.
How Does It work?
Businesses request product from the www.charitypulltabs.com website, available only to ASG customers. Payment is made via credit card on the website and the product is shipped directly to your business, free of charge!
Visit www.charitypulltabs.com
How does my organization make money?
You are reimbursed for expenses up to 6% of the Gross Receipts of a game. Reimbursable expenses include such things as accounting services, rent, property taxes, and advertising, to name a few.
How does the non-profit organization make money?
The business pays the game profit up front to the organization by credit/debit card. The funds are collected by an accounting firm who uses them to pay for the tickets, the 6% to the local business, credit/debit processing fees and other program expenses. The accounting firm will provide accounting for all transactions and process monthly checks to the organization which is deposited into their general fund.
Do I need a license?
Yes, to use pull tabs you need to fulfill a license requirement. This involves completing a few forms, which will be submitted along with the businesses' information to obtain the license on your behalf. ASG is dedicated to guiding you through each step of this process, ensuring a smooth experience.
Is this legal?
Absolutely. Ohio HB 386, passed in the Spring of 2012, makes it legal to receive up to 6% of game gross receipts.
What's in it for the non-profit organization?
Additional fundraising without the burdensome effort.
Is there any investment needed to purchase the dispenser machines?
The charity does provide machines to the business selling the tickets. ASG has several payment options and will help your organization with this cost.
Can you really make money selling pull tabs?
Yes, annually our program raises over $15,000,000 for over 150 Ohio charities.